Package 'rGhanaCensus'

Title: 2021 Ghana Population and Housing Census Results as Data Frames
Description: Datasets from the 2021 Ghana Population and Housing Census Results. Users can access results as 'tidyverse' and 'sf'-Ready Data Frames. The data in this package is scraped from pdf reports released by the Ghana Statistical Service website <> . The package currently only contains datasets from the literacy and education reports. Namely, school attendance data for respondents aged 3 years and above.
Authors: Ama Owusu-Darko [cre, aut]
Maintainer: Ama Owusu-Darko <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.1.0
Built: 2025-03-08 03:00:45 UTC

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Ghana School Attendance Indicator data


The Ghana_2021_school_attendance dataset contains school attendance indicators for respondents in the 16 regions of Ghana surveyed in the 2021 Ghana Population and Housing Census.

  • Details -Age range of survey respondents in this data set 3 years and above.




A data frame with 64 rows and 10 variables:

  • Region

    • A factor with 16 levels with the names of the regions in Ghana

  • Gender

    • A factor with 2 levels

  • Locality

    • A factor with 2 levels describing with the respondents surveyed lived in an urban or rural area

  • Currently_Attending_School

    • numeric column with the raw count values of survey respondents aged 3 years and above currently attending school

  • Percent_Currently_Attending_School

    • A numeric column with the derived percentage of

    • ((Currently_Attending_School)/Sum_of_Respondents_(3_years_and_above))*100 to two decimal places

  • Never_Attended_School

    • -A numeric column with the raw count values of survey respondents aged 3 years and above who have never attended school

  • Percent_Never_Attended_School

    • A numeric column with the derived percentage of

    • ((Never_Attended_School)/Sum_of_Respondents_(3_years_and_above))*100 to two decimal places

  • Dropped_out_of_School

    • A numeric column with the raw count values of survey respondents aged 3 years and above who were in school but dropped out

  • Percent_Dropped_out_of_School

    • A numeric column with the derived percentage of

    • ((Dropped_out_of_School)/Sum_of_Respondents_(3_years_and_above))*100 to two decimal places

  • Sum_of_Respondents_(3_years_and_above)

    • A numeric column with the raw sum values in each row.

    • That is sum of (Currently_Attending_School, Never_Attended_School, Dropped_out_of_School) in each row


  • School attendance data

  • Scraped from Ghana Statistical Service published 2021 Ghana Population and Housing Census Results Volume 3D Literacy and Education PDF Reports

  • Ghana regional administrative boundaries geometry data

  • Downloaded from Humanitarian data exchange website on 7th January, 2022

Ghana School Attendance Indicator data plus geometry


The Ghana_2021_school_attendance_geometry dataset contains school attendance indicators for respondents in the 16 regions of Ghana surveyed in the 2021 Ghana Population and Housing Census plus Ghana regional administrative boundaries.

  • Details Age range of survey respondents in this data set 3 years and above.




A data frame with 64 rows and 10 variables:

  • Region

    • A factor with 16 levels with the names of the regions in Ghana

  • Gender

    • A factor with 2 levels

  • Locality

    • A factor with 2 levels describing with the respondents surveyed lived in an urban or rural area

  • Currently_Attending_School

    • numeric column with the raw count values of survey respondents aged 3 years and above currently attending school

  • Percent_Currently_Attending_School

    • A numeric column with the derived percentage of

    • ((Currently_Attending_School)/Sum_of_Respondents_(3_years_and_above))*100 to two decimal places

  • Never_Attended_School

    • -A numeric column with the raw count values of survey respondents aged 3 years and above who have never attended school

  • Percent_Never_Attended_School

    • A numeric column with the derived percentage of

    • ((Never_Attended_School)/Sum_of_Respondents_(3_years_and_above))*100 to two decimal places

  • Dropped_out_of_School

    • A numeric column with the raw count values of survey respondents aged 3 years and above who were in school but dropped out

  • Percent_Dropped_out_of_School

    • A numeric column with the derived percentage of

    • ((Dropped_out_of_School)/Sum_of_Respondents_(3_years_and_above))*100 to two decimal places

  • Sum_of_Respondents_(3_years_and_above)

    • A numeric column with the raw sum values in each row.

    • That is sum of (Currently_Attending_School, Never_Attended_School, Dropped_out_of_School) in each row


  • School attendance data

  • Scraped from Ghana Statistical Service published 2021 Ghana Population and Housing Census Results Volume 3D Literacy and Education PDF Reports

  • Ghana regional administrative boundaries geometry data

  • Downloaded from Humanitarian data exchange website on 7th January, 2022


## Not run: 


#Create a interactive map with the package tmap that displays the
#regional distribution of percentage of students 3 years or older who have dropped out of school.

#Load required packages

#Load geometry data
data("Ghana_2021_school_attendance_geometry", package = "rGhanaCensus")

#Convert to sf data frame and assign a name
#In this example, "Ghana_edu_sf" will be the name of the sf data frame created.

Ghana_edu_sf<- sf::st_as_sf(Ghana_2021_school_attendance_geometry)

#Use tmap to create interactive map

Ghana_edu_sf %>%
               dplyr::filter(Locality=="Urban") %>%
               tm_polygons(id="Region", col="Percent_Dropped_out_of_School")+

## End(Not run)